Compiled by
Linda Hollar, Marissa Bruce, JohnM. Flores
Fort Worth’s RockStar
We’re not sure what’s going on at the Rockstar, other than that Warren Garza is no longer there. According to Andy Laudano who spoke to him, Warren was a 40% owner, and the 60% (formerly silent partner) decided to take over managing the club.
Deep Ellum news
The new Deep Ellum DART station is set up open on Sept. 12. According to Trees’ owner, Clint Barlow, instead of the last train leaving Deep Ellum at 2:30 AM (as we previously reported), it’s been changed to 12:30. He’s been in contact with his City Council representative to see if it can be put back to 2:30. In related news, Trees’ grand opening weekend was a big success. (See our Live Reviews for a review on Friday night’s show.)