JUNE 2009
Harder Beat Magazine Online
Anvil – The Story Of Anvil, VH1 Pictures
This movie is now playing at the Magnolia Theater in Dallas, but Friday, May 29 was the Dallas premier. That was immediately followed by an impromptu live set by the band that featured songs like “March Of The Crabs,” “This Is Thirteen,” “666,” “White Rhino” and “Metal On Metal.”

But back to the movie, it tells the story of the band’s 34 years of existence and their relentless fight to stay active and relevant in the music industry. There are moments of stark sadness, real emotion and reflection in the film, but it’s the moments of utterly gut-ripping comedy that will probably make this movie go down in history as possibly the best rock documentary ever filmed. With the band finally getting some very real, major press and a movie this damn good, This Is Spinal Tap could finally be dethroned. No exaggeration whatsoever. Exquisite. A+. (Dale Lammers)

Dance Flick — Staring Damon Wayans, Craig Wayans, Shoshana Bush, Essence Atkins. Directed by Damian Dante Wayans
If you’re a movie buff — especially dance/music films — you’ll “get” many of the spoofs. If not, Dance Flick will likely be confusing. A Wayans brothers film, it’s another parody (like their Scary Movie, only this time on dance). Films spoofed included Step Up, Step Up 2 —The Streets, Stomp the Yard, Fame, plus (non-dance film… Edward Scissorhands. (Yeah, who knows why?… But there’s a funny bit with “gun hands”). Semi-worth seeing for the dance and music. Does have a good score. C+ (Linda Hollar)

Land of the Lost — Starring Will Ferrell, Anna Friel and Danny McBride
No doubt, some readers will have fond memories of the Land of the Lost reruns. Cheesy animated tyrannosaurus. Seedy Sleestaks. The crazy monkey kid with the huge, jutting forehead.

The updated movie gives LOTL the Brady Bunch spoof treatment. Ferrell plays Rick Marshall, a scientist who believes we can manipulate tachyons to squirrel around in time. After becoming the laughing stock of the science community and having a viral video encounter with Matt Lauer, he’s left teaching kids and eating donut and M&M sandwiches.

After being pproached by Holly Cantrell (Anna Friel), the two make a trip to the middle of nowhere, turn on the time squirreling machine and zip to another dimension with their hee-haw tour guide (McBride). There are still Sleestaks. There’s still the monkey men. But that’s where the similarities end.

LOTL is officially one of the crappiest movies ever made. I mean, how many turd and poop shoot jokes can you cram into one movie? For those looking for another “Anchorman” or “Ricky Bobby,” you’ll be disappointed — Ferrell plays this one pretty straight. C+ (Joe Allison)

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