• Knotch seeks drummer. We play rock, metal, funk & grunge; mostly originals, some covers. Must be able to practice 2/week & gig. No 1st timers! Must have own style and great attitude. Contact Paul @ 817/451-6835 or 817/233-2106 • Thrash cover band looking for a strong vocalist. We have a PA and practice in South Grand Prairie. We play Sepultura, SOD, Vio-lence, DRI, etc. Contact: 817-715-7901 or crowley_67@yahoo.com • Euless rock/metal band Salvation Trigger seeks drummer and singer. Pro gear a plus. See myspace.com/maridrama08 or call 817-366-7856. • Tomren Shannon & The Roll Cherry Blues holding auditions for drums, bass, guitar. Managed rock band that booked. (South Texas Rock Fest, others). Rehearsal space & studio provided. Pro inquiries only. myspace.com/therollcherryblues; 817-718-0669 or 972-207-2225. • Slayer tribute band War Ensemble seeks drummer with job, transportation. Need double bass kit, able to practice 4 times per month, NO DRUGS or issues. Know majority of Slayer catalog. Go to www.thenextslayer.com • Original heavy metal band being formed by vocalist Spicoli and guitarist JC. Need drums, bass, second guitarist. Contact JC at leadguitar1979@yahoo.com or call 214-576-6856. |
Missing Parts & Pieces ads are donated FREE by HB to help our local musicians.
FREE if received by the 23rd of the month... if later, include $5 for listing. Note: ads run one month, you must contact us to have it run again. Just K.I.S.S. the copy - (Keep It Short, Stupid). Email ad to Linda@harderbeat.com or mail to Harder Beat, P.O. Box 59711, Dallas, TX 75229 |