Harder Beat Magazine Online

The Harder Beat
Editor In Chief: Linda Hollar
Art Director: Kevin White
Web Master: Craig Villareal
Office Assistants: Kim Polen, Martha Wilson
Staff writ­ers: Harvey Gerst, Kevin White, Dale Lammers, Jason Janik, Andy Laudano,
Joe Allison, Shane Epting, Brian McLean, Misty Johnson
Contributing writers for Nov.: Kim Polen,
Travis Tutwiler, Skid Dickson, Steven Goldsmith, Joe Montells, Rick McKinzie
Staff photographers: Linda Hollar,
Andy Laudano, Jason Janik, Randy Bookout
Contributing photographers for Nov.
Travis Tutwiler, Shane Epting
Distribution: Jim Atkins, Sterling Smith, Larry Lynch,
Chris F. C. Stanley (OK); Gregg Gillis (Houston); Randall Stephens (Amarillo) ,
Kendal Richardson and Isaac Kiehl (Phoenix)

Bands are free to reproduce articles writ­ten about them to use in promo packs — if credit is given to the writer and Harder Beat. Any other re­pro­duc­tion or use of any part of the con­tents without written per­mis­sion from the pub­lish­er is pro­hib­it­ed. The Harder Beat is pub­lished month­ly by Linda Hollar.
Harder Beat is a regional publication, available at 260+ regional lo­ca­tions — from our ad­ver­tis­ers and oth­ers in­volved in the D/FW music scene. The publication is free, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies are $2.50 each. Subscription rate: $19/yr. for 11 issues. Please address cor­re­spon­dence to:

Harder Beat
P.O. Box 59711, Dallas, TX 75229

Tele/Fax: 972/484-8030; e-mail:
Vol. XV, No. 8, Issue 164 © Nov. ‘07
All rights reserved

Cover Page Credits

Main: Otep
Top Left: Prong
Photo: Steffan Chirazi
Bottom Left: The Hourly Radio
Photo: Tommy Moore
Right: Helloween

Cover design by Kevin White HB Art Director

Deadlines for
Dec./Jan. issue
Ad reservations, copy/ad
deadlines & distribution dates
• Reserve ad space by Nov. 26
• Ad copy & payment
deadline: Nov. 29
• Street date: Thurs., Dec. 6
For Info: 972/484-8030

For issues with this site operation, broken or non-functioning links,
contact the web master

Any other reproduction or use of any part of the contents
without written permission from the publisher is prohibited.
The Harder Beat is published monthly by Linda Hollar.

Website by
© 2006 Harder Beat Magazine All Rights Reserved
