Compiled by
Linda Hollar, Marissa Bruce, JohnM. Flores
New club in Grand Prairie
Welcome to the Metroplex’s newest club - Dream Warriors, which is located in Grand Prairie off I-30 and Beltline. You can check them out on July 4, when they have numerous bands playing, lots of fun and fireworks. They’re looking for bands to book (and music fans!). See their ad on p. 7 for more information. For booking, call 972/504-9079.
In other club news, James, a long-time fixture at the Curtain Club, is now doing sound at the Skillman Street Pub. James has always been known as one of the city’s best soundmen. That’s sure to be a plus for Skillman.
New band: Civil End
This new, original band consists of members from several other bands... B.R (bassist) is still in Sin Serum, while Cary Madsen (drummer) and Bill Engfer (lead guitar) are both in Zenabi. They report their new band is a cross of Testament, Metallica and Sepultura. They’ll soon be going into the studio… then look for them at various clubs.
Note to Hot Ash vocalist, Kevin Dell Greer. “Kevin, if your band is going to do such a wonderful version of The Who’s “Behind Blue Eyes,” the least you can do is learn to spin your mike around, ala Roger Daltrey.
Austin’s Adrian and the Sickness is off on a tour of 16 cities - from Oklahoma City to Seattle, with stops in between. They play in D/FW periodically.
Get well wishes
To Benny Knotts from the Blacksheep Band, who was found to have colon cancer last month. He has now returned home from the hospital after major colon surgery. He’s recovering and looking forward to hitting the stage again. Ironically the band’s next show is a Cancer benefit at O’Riley’s, and Benny says he will play - it even if he has to sit down to do it.
Bike accident - X’s Red’s Johnny B.
On an early Sunday morning, Johnny B was driving home to Terrell when he hit a huge pothole that threw him off his bike and totaled it. Fortunately, Johnny survived the accident, but not without many injuries. His shoulder must have taken most of the impact upon landing, as it was broken in eight places. He also broke bones in his face and his nose.
Since Johnny’s band, X’s Red, was scheduled to play at Rob’s Sports Bar on May 31, the club turned the night into a Benefit for his many medical expenses. Rob’s gave 100% of the door, resulting in over $1,000 raised. (See a write up on the night).
Roy Velez, Ridglea Theater Soundman
We received the following email from Wesley at the Ridglea Theater about the passing of their soundman, Roy Velez. It also appeared on the Ridglea’s website.
“We all loved Roy, and he was such a special part of so many lives. He had four massive heart attacks within two weeks, one at home, the rest in the hospital. He was only 46 years old!
Our beloved friend and dear friend to so many of you, Roy Velez, passed away Thursday evening, May 15. He will be missed by so many who knew and loved him. We all remember his kindness and caring about everything, even those small things, his love of laughter and of sharing jokes, his helpfulness and his joy of living. He loved the Ridglea and all of the bands that played there. He took delight in being the best sound guy he could be and cared about each of you, taking pride in working with each band to make every show perfect! Roy was special.
Roy was part of our Ridglea Family, as so many of you are, and we all miss him already. This past year he shared his home in the country with his dear wife and daughter, a horse and even a pot bellied pig, which he got because his daughter wanted it. No surprise, Roy learned to love that pig too - although he wasn’t too thrilled initially.
We are all richer because Roy was part of our lives.” (Wesley Hathaway)
Funeral services were held on May 18 at Biggers Funeral Home.