Amazing. We made it to 15 years! But we could not have done so without HB’s excellent writers, photographers, awesome graphic artist, Kevin White, our advertisers and you,
- our all-important readers who have hung with
us. Thank you! Enjoy our Blast to the Past.
You Wrote
Wow! 15 years
15 years Linda? Damn I feel young!! Thank you and the Harder Beat staff for 15 years of excellent local and national coverage. You’ve truly helped in more ways than I can count. It’s a blessing that you, I and so many others are still standing strong after all these years. Here’s to 15 years of more hard rockin’ and a solemn tip of the hat to those that have passed among our ranks. Keep jammin’ and stay hard!!
Kevin Dell Greer, HOT ASH
For 15 yrs there has not been another local mag to even look at, because Harder Beat has everything you need! I wrote for them for six years, and it was an awesome time!!!
Jeff Dennis, Revengeance “dad”
There’s no other way to say it... Harder Beat is the shit! Congrats on the Big 15, Linda!
MJ Roxx
Happy 15 years Linda. Thanks for all you do!! Keep it SiK
15 years, that’s great. Some of the best (and the worst) memories of my life go back to the old days when we had such a great scene in Dallas so many good bands, and the crowds were so big and so much fun to play for. Not that there aren’t still good bands in Dallas, but there doesn’t seem to be the same rabid level of support that existed back then, you know? Congratulations on your anniversary.
John Walker, Anthem
The BIG 15! Harder Beat just keeps on going… into the future…. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary…. Looking forward to the next 15. Long live Harder Beat.
Chris Stanley, Lawton, OK
Laughing out loud
I happened to pick up a copy of the latest Harder Beat this week, for the first time in many months, and found myself laughing out loud at the Flipside column.
The wit Shane Epting embeds in his critiques compliments his wisdom of the music world… I was especially struck by the last review written totally in German. It’s rare to find an author that possesses, much less a magazine that will publish, such unique and distinguished talents. I appreciate your skills in editing and selecting such entertaining writers.
Cassie Landrum
Back in Black feature
Thank you so much for the excellent article. I really appreciate you and Andy taking your time to compose and print our story. Harder Beat has always been awesome to Back in Black, and we can’t tell you guys how much that means to us
Mike Mroz, Back in Black
Rockin’ in Iowa
Dale (Lammers, Metal Majors) is one of my old high school buddies. I’m still stuck in Iowa where all we hear is top 40 music. Thanks to Dale I keep informed on real music that Harder Beat and Dale support. I’ve never met a person who had so much passion and knowledge of music. I’m proud and very happy for him.
Brian Branstetter
Blast from the past
Hey Linda, this is Matt from Hogleg a band you may remember from mid 90’s. Your mag always showed us love ... (by the way thanx for that). I’ve started another band Hate Fool we have been around a little over a year now.... Any help with our promotions, reviews or spreading the name would be appreciated. I will always support Harder Beat
Matt, Hate Fool