Compiled by
Linda Hollar, Marissa Bruce, JohnM. Flores
Gwar is heading to Europe to appease their gore fans abroad, with Dallas’ own Casey Orr suiting up as Beefcake…. Blood of the Sun just got back from Europe where they played several date with Mos Generator. Welcome home, guys!
Guitarist Alapeno is back and tearin’ it up with Hell Goat. You can check them and several other locals out at the Ride for Dime on August 16… Ozzfest will be at the Pizza Hut Park this year. There have already been reports of residents complaining about the noise from the stadium after 10 PM, so we shall see how this one plays out. Myspace.com/harderbeat is active. Feel free to send your missing parts and pieces ads, and post information and schedules there. Happy Birthday Harder Beat thanks for all you do to keep DFW metal alive! (Marissa Bruce)
It’s about time!
Little Green Men’s long-awaited new CD is finally ready. The release party will be June 13 (yep, Friday the 13th!) at Rob’s Billiards in Euless.
The record, titled Totality, has been some three years in the works. Several of the tracks were used on the soundtrack of the new movie, Portrait Of An American Family, which is being premiered locally this month.
O’Riley’s Louie Shoop
Though he is apparently OK now, Louie Shoop, O’Riley’s soundman, passed out at the club one night last month. He was taken to the ER, but released the next day. Sure gave everyone at the club a scare.
Head (so to speak!) to the Ridglea on May 11 for a benefit for Hair Dressers Unlocking Hope and Habitat for Humanity. Funds will be used for rebuilding homes damaged by Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. See the Ridglea ad on p. 15.
Treasured Friends yard sale
Always lot of good stuff… visit the Treasured Friends Yard Sale on Friday, May 30 (8 5) and Sat. May 31 (9 5). It’s at 3667 Ridgebriar in North Dallas off LBJ and Marsh. Go south two blocks.
See ya in court
Our good friends over at Clear Channel are in the middle of controversy again. No big surprise. Right? Seems a couple of investment firms are looking to buy them out but the banks that promised to pony up the cash to fund the deal may have had a change of heart. The investment firms plan to drag the banks into a New York court on June 2, hoping the judge will make them pay. Will Clear Channel continue to be “Clear Channel” in the future? Will they continue to monopolize the free radio waves? Time will tell. Stay tuned. (John M. Flores)
Sad news
We’re sorry to report the passing of Gloria Patino, Sandy Tutwiler’s mother and HB writer, Travis Tutwiler’s mother-in-law. Our condolences to them both. Those readers in the mid-90’s should remember Paula Smith, vocalist for Lochinvar (one of the first female rockers in the area). Paula was recently killed in a car accident in Oklahoma, where she had lived for the past ten years.
Clubs come and gone over 15 years
No doubt we’ve missed some, but it’s shocking how many D/FW clubs and venues have closed their doors over HB’s lifetime. Included are: Dallas City Limits, The Basement, Smokin’ Dave’s, The Rage, Trees, Gypsy Tea Room and Ballroom, Sanctuary (twice), Orbit Room, Juicy Lucy’s, Rock & Roll Revolution, Abram St. Saloon, Zombies, Skippys’ Mistake, Mongos, Blue Cat Blues, Texas Tea House, The Palace, Woody’s, Texas Billiards, Hungry Musician, Deep Ellum Live, Exodus, Dirty Dogs, Dawg Pound, Daddy Rocks, Division One, Classic City Rock Cafe, Gusher Club, Edgers, Bikini Bob’s, The Abyss/Breakers, On the Rocks, The Rock, Galaxy Club, Club Clearview, The Underworld, Vampire Lounge, Hard Rock Cafe, Indigos, Hard Rock Cafe, Tattoo Bar, Caravan of Dreams, Axis, Loose Change, Graffiti’s, Gusher Club, Bronco Bowl, Canyon Club. RIP.
Record label changes
A number of labels once had Dallas offices. One by one, most have closed, consolidating their offices in L.A. or N.Y. including Sony, BMG and WEA.